It’s no secret that the rise of influencer marketing is re-drawing the way the industry sees on marketing and how games, and even brands, now can go from good to great with our new analysis application.

Today, it’s a big day for us at Casinolytics. As a co-founder and CEO, I’m extremely proud of my fellow co-founder, Johan Sandén, and the small team that has walked all the extra miles to finally release our most advanced, comprehensive, and user-friendly analysis application (and data feed) – Casinolytics 2.0. The new application could change the course of your business strategy, help you improve your ROI, and last but not least it will save you tons of time.
Speaking of time, in the hectic world we live in the one thing we constantly are monitoring is time. We can’t buy more time, but what we can do is buy services, apps, tools, and whatnot to optimize our time. Time is extremely valuable and that is where we come into play. We know that it’s not suitable for any company to hire hundreds of people just to keep track of all the influencers playing your games, or what your competitors are doing. That’s what we love and what our technology will take care of for you.
With our proprietary ML/AI technology, we keep track of thousands of streamers every minute on the steps that they take. What games are they playing? What is their preferred game provider? Who is the top game provider in the industry? Which games are the most popular out there?
To give you further context, our AI has successfully tracked over 1.3 billion watched minutes of live-streamed casino content on Youtube and Twitch so far this month (until May 23). Below you can find the trend month-by-month.
I’m very humbled and proud of the milestone that we now hit, and at the same time very thankful for all the customers and believers that’s been part of our journey so far. And last but not least the people who have made this possibly. The journey has just started and what we have in front of us with all of our partners and the continuous evolvement of our products and services. We got some dope stuff planned and I can’t wait to tell you more.
In the meantime, if you want to improve your business intelligence, scale your business, and optimize your time? Just ping me on Twitter, Discord or any other contact details that you can find further down on the page.